Big Brother, Reality TV, TV Shows

Jury House Art

As we are all paitenently awaiting to see who takes home half a million dollars this season, (my bet is on Paul) the houseguests in the jury house were working on art work this week. Yes, even Cody. 

Although it was not much, his finger painting is exactly what is expected of him. He also dabbled in another canvas where he drew some military items.

Mark decided to draw himself as the incredible SULK, and also drew a teddy bear on his second canvas. He must be proud of his true crybaby self.

My personal favorite is by Elena. I don’t know if this is directed at the other houseguests or her advice on life in general, but I’m digging it. I’ll pay half a mil for it.

Kevin partook in the action as well, but I’m not really sure if he did it or one of his eight children???

Matt painted his orange shirt that he wore EVERYDAY on to his canvas and I assume he did it because he’ll never get it back from Raven. Of course he painted his cereal addiction as well, the only competition he took part in: to beat himself, at eating the most bowls of cereal.

His gypsy girlfriend, Raven painted something that had to do with her disease, whether she has it or not, she is spreading the word.

Alex continued to be petty when it comes to the game and painted “#TrustNoOne” onto one of her canvases, but also painted her cat ears as well.

The season finale premieres Wednesday and I am so excited!! I will be live tweeting, so check it out!
Photos from snap chat