lifestyle, love yourself, pop culture, selfie, summer


It’s summer!!! This year the trend on Instagram, twitter and VSCO is to be chilling by the pool or on a float…a giant float. If you’re trying to get in on the summer selfie fun, here are some expert tips, so you can slay this summer, too!


The trend for this summer is taking pics on your giant pool float. If you don’t have a pool, you should definitely take advantage of a having a friend with a pool and hang out with them!! You can get these pool floats basically anywhere and they are good for floating around on, not just taking selfies, so definitely not a waste of money. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just scroll through your Instagram and I am sure you can find someone sitting on a giant flamingo or laying on a slice of pizza.

Obviously, you’ll want to put your own spin on your picture, but it doesn’t hurt to look on pinterest or instagram for ideas. Find a unique pool float and choose a pose that is comfortable and feels like you. If you try to copy a pose from someone else you won’t be happy. We all were not created the same, so find an angle and pose, that feels the most YOU!

To get the best picture, you want it to be sunny, but make sure the sun isn’t in your eyes, or you will look squinty and your face will be wrinkled, if it isn’t sunny out when you take your pictures, you can edit your picture on VSCO to make it look like it is golden hour. If you can, use an actual camera. I use a canon for all of my pictures and edit them on VSCO but, if you don’t have a camera, that’s okay too.

If you’re the photographer, don’t be afraid to get in the water, get low, or get up high. It is all about angles!! Don’t just take a few pictures of your friends either, take as many as you can so they have plenty to choose from!


Whether you’re on vacation, downtown, or at home, it is always a good time for a photo session. My friends and I actually do a lot of these, whether its planned, or we just find a cool spot while we’re hanging out and have a small photo session. When trying to find a cool spot for an Instagram post, get creative! People do not want to see the same picture of you as they saw of someone else 5 minutes ago! But as long as you take your picture from a good angle, and pose in front of something you like, you can take an awesome picture.

I really want to stress that editing can be your best friend. If you don’t like a picture, edit it! EVERYONE DOES. We always tend to compare ourselves to other girls on instagram, but DON’T. Be yourself; take pictures where you feel confident and comfortable. It can take a few tries before you get the right pose and editing can even enhance the photo, so don’t feel like a picture isn’t perfect, because no one takes a good picture on the first try.


Again, it is all about angles. If you’re trying to take the perfect selfie, it is not going to happen. Just play around, try to find an angle you like best and stick with it. You definitely won’t get it on the first try so you’re going to have to take 100 pictures and search through them. It is definitely a process at times. It is always a good idea to get ideas from others, but do not compare yourself to them. Everyone is different and it might take a few tries before you find your selfie groove. As long as you dig yourself and radiate that confidence, your selfie will do the same.

Seriously, no one’s selfie game is perfect. Even instagram models and celebs put a lot of time into editing their photos. For the best editing, use VSCO. They have presets set up already, but don’t just stick to those. Play around with all the tools and use them to your advantage. Right now, I am obsessed with making my pictures look like I took them during golden hour. All you do is go to white balance and change the temperature to +4.0 and then turn the exposure to -4.0. Obviously, you can adjust those a little bit, but it will look like you to the picture at peak sun. It also helps to take the pic in front of a window or in the car!

My best advice is to find an editing app you like and play around with it until you find something you like. Take as many pictures as you can and choose your favorites. Do not compare your self or your pictures to others because everyone is different, everyone has different taste when it comes to selfies, or the way they edit, so be yourself and create your own masterpiece!

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