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THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD (live-ish blog)

Season 1 Episode 1: Review


10:00 PM

I just finished watching the first episode of Netflix’s new series, The End of the F***ing World. The show begins with a teenage boy telling  a story about why he thinks he is a psychopath and then flips to a girl telling a story about how her life is so shitty. They meet up at lunch and begin a “romance”. Well, she thinks it is a romance, he just wants to kill her. The episodes seem really short and do not have much dialogue between characters, but there is a lot of narration by both the characters to the audience.

I like Alyssa. She is aggressive, angry and blunt. I can not not look at her freckles, they are literally so perfectly placed on her face. James reminds me of the kid who plays Norman Bates in another netflix series. He is dull and a psychopath. Also, I forgot to mention, the characters are British, which makes their characters even more loveable if I can use that word to describe a psychopath and an agressive teenage girl who uses words like “c**t.

There was a lot of hype about the series from my friends and professors, so I am excited to continue watching. The fact that the episodes are short, makes you want to watch the next one to know what is going on and I am about to watch episode 2. I can not wait to see what happens to these two “lovebirds” who just ran away together.

Episodes 2-6

1:00 AM

So, I just finished watching episodes 2-6 because this show is SO GOOD. You really can not stop watching and like I said the episodes are so short so it feels like I have been watching a movie. If you do not want spoilers, stop reading now!!!!!

Okay, so the two decide to squat at this random house and Alyssa wants to have sex with James. Well she begins giving him a blow job and he tells her to stop, so she gets mad and then finds a random guy to hook up with. While that is going down, James is being nosey downstairs and discovers these pictures of these dead girls that the man who own’s the house has raped and killed. There is a video camera with video footage, also. So I don’t know about you, but I would be getting Alyssa and getting the HELL OUT of there.

So, anyway, the dude comes home, tries to rape Alyssa and James kills the man with the knife he has been carrying around, because you know he wants to kill Alyssa. So they just have this dead guy and laying there and do not know what to do, so they clean up the crime scene, scatter the pictures and leave the body for someone to find. WELL, the man’s mother finds him, but she takes the pictures and BURNS THEM. AND BURNS THEM. Like I do not care if this was my son, I’d be like boy you got what you deserved.

Anyway, then we get this weird storyline between the cops investigating the case because I guess they have a history or something, but like I really  do not care, like get back to the kids. So anyway, the kids are on the run and Alyssa is really pissed that James killed a guy so they go their seperate ways for awhile, but eventually come back together, steal a car, rob a gas station, and decide to go find Alyssa’s dad. At the end of the episode, they get to his house. THERE ARE ONLY TWO EPISODES LEFT, we’ll see what happens.

Episodes 7-8


Well, I just finished the show. If there is not another season, I will be so pissed. The show basically ended on a cliffhanger, did they shoot James? Will he go to jail? What will happen to Alyssa?

The last two episodes were wild, but they were still calm, like the others. James and Alyssa found her dad and they end up staying with him for a couple days, James really is not fond of him and Alyssa is so ecstatic to be back with her dad that she can not see that he is a real douchebag. Eventually, after their few days of living free and fun, she realizes her dad is not so great. He actually has another kid, who he does not care for, he never was the one sending her birthday cards, and HE RAN OVER A F***ING DOG.

So, the kids decide to leave on his boat, but Alyssa’s dad has watched the news and wants to turn them in for murder, so that he can get the reward money. One of the cops show up and James hits her over the head, after Alyssa stabs her dad with a knife, so they take off running toward the boat, like they’ll be able to run away. James tells Alyssa that he will take the blame and he runs off towards the ocean, while officers are shooting at him. We hear a final gun shot and the screen goes black.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Netflix how can you do this to me? How can you just end it like that. I’m not sure if we are supposed to believe he is shot and the kids go to jail and that is the end or if we are supposed to be awaiting another season to see what happens. Personally, I feel that the kids should go back to their lives, James has finally understood what its like to have feelings and he has a father to go back to, who loves him. Alyssa on the other hand, has a crap step dad, so I just hope that her mother will leave him, live with Alyssa, and learn to show her the love she needs. This way the kids can go back to living normally.

As for the whole murder thing, since the guy’s mother turned in the video camera, even after she burned all the photos, hopefully the prosecutors/police will realize that the kids had done it in defense.

Overall, the show was pretty good. While, I want to know more, I do not really need to. The hype that people gave it was not necessary, but it was a great watch.